April Reflection

 1. What did you know about your field 3 years ago, and what have you learned about that has 'wowed' you?

Three years ago, I was in my second year of community college. Back then, I knew that my major was challenging and I still think so. I was scared to take organic chemistry and calculus, and I'm still scared of organic chemistry. Calculus turned out to be easier than I thought, surprisingly. I think it helped that I had taken it in high school. I think over the years what I've learned the most is that there are more things out there than I thought. I didn't know much about college since my parents didn't finish it and we weren't born here. However, what I have learned is that it's definitely not a linear process. I used to think that it was, but now I'm learning that a lot of people take breaks and get into things and then get out of things. Learning this has made me feel a bit better since I am not as sure of what my plans are as other seem to be.

2. What do you want to learn about over the next 3 years? 

A more immediate thing I want to learn is if I can find a job that I enjoy being in and if it will be in the field I am currently in. Going off of what I said in response to the previous question, over the years I've been learning about other jobs and positions that one can do. I want to keep learning more so I can have more options and don't feel as pressured to do things a certain way. Also, I've never really felt like I fit in as a STEM major, so I'm still trying to figure out if this is the right fit for me. I would like to know more about myself, as I feel I don't know myself as well as I'd like to. 


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