Last Blog Post: Thinking About the Future
1. When thinking about the future, I often get really overwhelmed and start thinking about everything that I haven't been able to do and what I have yet to do. To try to decrease this anxiety, I have begun trying to live more in the moment and limit my thinking to things that are more immediately in my control. So as of right now, my main professional goal is to first graduate with my bachelors. I was supposed to graduate this semester but I will hopefully be graduating next Fall. After that, I want to take a break from school and try to get experience. School has been really draining for me, so I think a change of pace might help me think differently about things. When gaining experience, I hope to be able to find a job or other opportunity somewhere where I can make a positive impact in my community and to the environment. I hope to learn a lot and find other things that I am interested in!
2. There are countless societal challenges that I think are important to deal with now. Among them are racial and gender equality issues, environmental issues, and humanitarian issues. The issues dealing with people are extremely important, as everyone holds the right to be able to live and experience their own lives without having to be fearful. The issues dealing with the environment are also extremely important, especially since it feels like the time for us to be able to make an impact is quickly slipping away. As we are human and all have different ways of thinking, I think that these issues will continue to be important many years from now. I think that in order to address these issues, we need to take the time to remove ourselves from situations sometimes and pay attention to relevant voices. We need to be able to listen and put ourselves in others' shoes and recognize that our perception isn't always right.
3. Something that makes me optimistic about the future is sometimes just nature itself. I have mentioned before about struggling with anxiety and mental health issues, and these make it hard for me to be optimistic. However, sometimes I will find myself randomly paying attention to small details in my day, especially related to nature, and I feel more optimistic. For example, the other day my tomato plant had a tomato turned red and that made me look forward to more of them turning red! Another time was a couple days ago when my puppy met another puppy and they had a really good time playing. My friends and family also give me things to be optimistic about. It feels good to notice small things like that and reflect over them. I think it might be helpful to be intentionally optimistic and take the time to do that.
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